Hydro Med Announces: Snoring Due to Allergy Should be Stopped Early

SIMPLE THERAPY: AAAAWhen allergy is the cause of snoring, treatments with antihistamine, or corticosteroid spray or allergy desensitization are often effective. When the nasal blockage is a primary factor, correcting this with pulsatile irrigation has several advantages: AAAAThe massage action milks away swollen tissues of the nose; the open nose stops snoring. AAAAThe pulsatile irrigation stimulates nasal cilia to move pollen and bacteria out of the nose, further reducing blockage. AAAAWhere throat tissues are swollen, the throat attachment to the Hydro PulseA irrigator uses the pulse wave action to massage away swollen tissue in order to prevent permanent changes. STOP THE SNORING EARLY The primary theme of Dr Grossanas book, aThe Sooner You Stop Snoring the Bettera is that , whether the snoring is due to tree, grass or weed pollen, by clearing it early, you can avoid the circle of the more you snore, the worse you snoring becomes. It is best to stop this circle and avoid those unwanted sequels.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.streetinsider.com/Press+Releases/Hydro+Med+Announces%3A+Snoring+Due+to+Allergy+Should+be+Stopped+Early/8635402.html

Singing exercises may help control snoring

We have a 7yr old, and the one I am referring to is almost 5, the other one is 3. The older and younger boys have been hospitalized once each. Our middle son (the breastfeeder) has been hospitalized 11 times. Also, our other 2 both nursed less than 3 months, and they were on formula at 4 months old by their choice, not ours. My wife tried for several months to get them to nurse, but it was not successful.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2012/08/13/snoring-in-kids-could-mean-other-problems-doctors-say/

Snoring in kids could mean other problems, doctors say

This was a randomised controlled trial (RCT) looking at the effect of regular singing exercises on the symptoms of sleep apnoea and snoring. The two conditions are caused by resistance to air flow in the upper airways. Snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnoea, but not all people who snore have the condition. The main treatments for both snoring and mild sleep apnoea arelifestyle changes, including weight loss, stopping smoking and limiting alcohol intake, particularly before sleeping. There are also anti-snoring nasal devices and dental appliances that can be worn at night. A treatment called continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is sometimes used to treat moderate to severe sleep apnoea, which involves being attached to a breathing apparatus at night.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.nhs.uk/news/2013/08August/Pages/Singing-exercises-may-help-control-snoring.aspx

Roche looks to replicate cancer success with eye drugs

“While we have been a very oncology-focused company, ophthalmology is an area where there’s a huge amount of opportunity,” Carole Ho, director of Early Clinical Development at Roche’s biotech unit Genentech told Reuters in an interview prior to the data being published. There are currently no approved treatments for geographic atrophy, a leading cause of blindness in adults over 55, which gradually causes vision loss in the macula, making it harder to read, drive and recognize people’s faces. More than 8 million people worldwide are affected by the disease and the numbers are expected to rise as the ranks of the elderly swell, making it a lucrative space for drugmakers. Results of the phase II clinical trial presented at the American Society of Retina Specialists in Toronto on Tuesday found lampalizumab reduced this type of atrophy by 20.4 percent at 18 months in patients with this dry form of AMD.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/27/us-roche-eyedrug-idUSBRE97Q0TR20130827

Could Google Glass Hurt Your Eyes? A Harvard Vision Scientist And Project Glass Advisor Responds

Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google appear at th...

Mann eliminated the discomfort by revamping the product, which he calls Digital EyeTap , so that it sits directly in front of the eye. For more about Manns experience wearing computerized eyewear and a more detailed explanation of his concerns, see this excellent article in the March issue of IEEE Spectrum. When I spoke to Mann and Fateh, neither had had the opportunity to try out Google Glass. I relayed their concerns to Google.Babak Parviz, the head of the project, told me that the team has taken the possibility of side effects seriously since the beginning of the project in order to design a product thats safe, visually and otherwise. After some prodding, Google put me in touch with Eli Peli, a professor of ophthalmology at the Harvard Medical School and a senior scientist at the Schepens Eye Research Institute. Peli has been conducting research on the use and impact of head-mounted displays for two decades, and he has been consulting with the Glass team for nearly two years.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.forbes.com/sites/eliseackerman/2013/03/04/could-google-glass-hurt-your-eyes-a-harvard-vision-scientist-and-project-glass-advisor-responds/

Technique from astronomy will change the way eye care professionals think about vision

Wavefront OpticsFrom the Observatory to Your Optometrists Office The aim of this lecture, and its publication in Optometry and Vision Science, is to help make advances in these areas of optometric science broadly accessible to educators, clinicians, and patients by explaining in simple terms the underlying optical concepts of wavefront aberrometry, according to Dr Thibos. He presents and illustrates the key concepts underlying the application of wavefront measurement in evaluation of subtle, higher-order visual abnormalities. Historically, optometrists and ophthalmologists have focused on the two most prominent causes of vision problems from out-of-focus images: spherical errors and astigmatism. However, there are a wide range of subtle, higher-order errors that can affect not only the clarity of a patients vision but also the doctors view as he or she examines the back of the eye. In the past two decades, optometry and ophthalmology researchers have borrowed techniques for measuring and correcting these higher-order abnormalities, explains Anthony Adams, OD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief of Optometry and Vision Science. Astronomers already used these techniques to enable a clear telescopic view of planets and stars, undistorted by the focusing aberrations resulting from the earths atmosphere. Dr Thibos writes, Our change in mind-set engendered by wavefront concepts has the power to alter our way of thinking about many clinical issues that are fundamentally optical in nature. He summarizes key principles of wavefront optics and their clinical applications to vision correction. Dr Thibos foresees important uses such as monitoring changes in optical quality in eyes with deterioration of the tear film (eg, causing dry eyes), assessing the outcomes of advanced vision-correcting (refractive) therapies, and tracking the progression of visual abnormalities in growing eyes.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://scienceblog.com/65858/technique-from-astronomy-will-change-the-way-eye-care-professionals-think-about-vision/

Transitions Optical And MLB Hall of Famer Cal Ripken, Jr. Hit A Homerun By Making Healthy, Enhanced Vision A Reality For Hundreds Of Children In-Need

received visits from Transitions Optical and industry partner VSP Vision Care’s 40-foot long mobile eyecare clinic nicknamed “Eyenstein,” onboard which the children received comprehensive eye exams conducted by local VSP optometrists, and if prescription eyeglasses were required, chose a brand new pair of eyeglass frames fitted with Transitions adaptive lenses. For any children not seen on the mobile clinic, vouchers for free eyewear fitted with Transitions lenses, redeemable at local VSP eye doctor locations, were provided. Approximately one-third of the children examined required prescription eyewear, which is even more than the American Public Health Association average statistic that one in four children has an undiagnosed vision problem that can interfere with the ability to read and learn. In addition, Cal Ripken, Jr. led baseball clinics at each event with multiple skills stations to demonstrate how healthy, enhanced vision impacts performance on the field.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://finance.yahoo.com/news/transitions-optical-mlb-hall-famer-121100227.html

Snoring ‘cured by singing exercise’

Snoring blamed for most Saudi divorces

For three months, the patients in the clinical trial have been doing singing exercises to improve the tone of their throat muscles. Choir director Alise Ojay is the inventor of Singing for Snorers exercises. She told Today presenter Evan Davis that she had found that patients who sung the sounds “ung” and “gar” found that their snoring decreased or stopped. First broadcast on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Monday 19 August 2013.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23753524

That’s where Snorelab comes in. Snorelab records you while you sleep every night, and tracks your snoring on a helpful graph that shows you the intensity of your snoring as the night dragged on. You’ll see when you snored the most, when you were the quietest, how long it took you to fall asleep, and more. The app also records snore samples that you can play back, so if you go to a sleep specialist, you can play examples of your snoring for them so they can listen before bringing you in for a full sleep study. The app also helps you gauge how effective different snoring remedies you try really are. If you go to sleep for a few nights wearing those nose strips, the app will show you whether they’ve actually improved your snoring (related: There’s a great study worth reading in the journal Rhinology that says those strips actually work pretty well). As you try different methods, Snorelab will help you figure out what’s working and what isn’t.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://lifehacker.com/snorelab-tracks-your-snoring-helps-you-find-out-which-511571834

Snoring, lack of romance blamed for divorces in Saudi Arabia

Patients need to seek treatment in the same way they would if they had sleep apnea, high blood pressure or other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. While obstructive sleep apnea (which often develops from snoring) has long been known as an indicator of cardiovascular disease, theres been little evidence up to now to show the damage starts earlier with snoring. While Deeb and Yaremchuk studied the carotid artery, thickening of one type of artery is considered an indication of atherosclerosis in general. Hence the conclusion that snoring is also a tip-off to coronary artery disease, or CAD. Artery disease of all types, also known as hardening of the arteries or officially as atherosclerosis, occurs when waxy plaque begins to line the inner walls of arteries.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.forbes.com/sites/melaniehaiken/2013/01/28/snoring-is-a-tip-off-to-stroke-and-heart-disease-new-research-shows/

Snoring: A New Tip-Off To Stroke and Heart Disease

A marriage contractor told Al Youm that women insist on getting a divorce due to trivial issues, like the look of the husband inside the house among many others, Gulf News reported. He added that young wives were getting influenced by the media and dramas. The drafting marriage contractors had a meeting with religious figures to discuss the figures and causes of divorce, in Al Qateef in eastern Saudi Arabia. Several measures, including the need to check on the background of prospective grooms and not relying solely on matchmakers, were suggested in the meeting to curb the increasing divorce rates in the kingdom. The religious leaders and the marriage contractors also suggested to not rush into making final decisions on ending a marriage, until all ways for a reconciliation are exhausted and the spouses be given ample time to reconsider their options.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.realbollywood.com/2013/08/snoring-lack-romance-blamed-divorces-saudi-arabia.html

Snorelab Tracks Your Snoring, Helps You Find Out Which Sleep Tips Work

The main factor is snoring by husbandsalmost 80 per cent of the divorces in the Kingdom are requested by the wives because of snoring by their husbands, Alyoum Arabic language daily said, quoting an unnamed Saudi Islamic scholar. The other main factors are the external appearance of husbands at home, lack of romance and the influence of foreign media and movies on womens attitudes. Figures by the Ministry of Justice showed there were around 34,490 divorce cases in Saudi Arabia in 2012, nearly a quarter of the total marriages. In some years, the worlds dominant oil supplier had an average one divorce every half an hour, one of the highest divorce rates in the world. Official data showed that in 2010, the Kingdom recorded 18,765 divorces, a rate of more than 35 per cent of the marriages. This is far above the international rate of between 18 and 22 per centin some years, it exceeded 40 per cent in the Kingdom, said Sheikh Saeed Al Yousuf, head of courts in the northeastern Saudi town of Tabuk. In a recent report, the Saudi news network Alarabiya quoted a scholar as saying the introduction of Misyar marriage was a key cause for the surge in divorce rates. Misyar is the main factor.this is because when the mans first wife discovers that her husband married another woman under Misyar contract, he will feel danger and this will prompt him to divorce the second wife easilyMisyar is seen as a temporary marriage and that is why divorce rates have increased in the Kingdom, said Sheikh Mohammed Al Falaj, a family affair consultant.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.emirates247.com/offbeat/crazy-world/snoring-blamed-for-most-saudi-divorces-2013-08-20-1.518224

Childhood Bullying Linked To Health, Financial, Social Problems In Adulthood

A study last year, for example, showed that kids who play the roles of bullies and victims grow up to have more mental health problems in adulthood anxiety disorder, depression, panic disorder, and suicidal behavior. Now, the same team has extended their work, illustrating the many areas of adult life that can suffer as an apparent result of childhood bullying. It turns out that not only do bullied kids have more psychological problems, but they have problems in just about every other area as well physical health, social relationships, education, and even employment. And kids who flip-flop between being bully and victim seem to have it worst of all.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2013/08/19/childhood-bullying-is-linked-to-serious-life-problems-in-adulthood/

Some fear health law could give members of Congress and their staffers abortion coverage

Plans offering coverage of abortion, however, may not use federal funds to pay for it. Federal tax credits to help the uninsured afford coverage must be kept apart from premiums collected for abortion coverage. Abortion opponents say the regulation would circumvent a long-standing law that bars the use of taxpayer funds for administrative expenses in connection with any health plan under the federal employees health benefits program which provides any benefits or coverage for abortions. Unlike many private corporate plans, federal-employee plans cover abortion only in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. Under this scheme, (the government) will be paying the administrative costs, said Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.), author of the abortion-funding ban for federal-employee plans. Its a radical deviation and departure from current federal law, and its not for all federal employees but for a subset: Congress.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/some-fear-health-law-could-give-congress-staff-abortion-coverage/2013/08/18/82e3ff7c-0844-11e3-8974-f97ab3b3c677_story.html

After Chernobyl, complexity surrounds local health problems

A Tokyo Electric Power Co. worker describes the situation a year after the disaster at Fukushima to journalists on February 28.

Families there often earn little money and have limited job opportunities, making it difficult to provide food, clothing and medications for their children. Ask Gorelik whether her son’s health problems are caused by radiation, and she says, “Yes, of course.” But the reality is much more complex. Chernobyl tourists see relics among the radiation What does radiation really cause? People who lived in the areas that received significant contamination from Chernobyl in 1986 have been the subject of many scientific studies. But researchers haven’t looked much at health problems in the region’s children who weren’t yet born at the time of the disaster, said Scott Davis, epidemiologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center at the University of Washington.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/18/health/helping-chernobyl-children